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Ltd company structures | Off Piste Wealth

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Ltd company structures for property portfolios

Ltd company structures for property portfolios. When considering whether it's worthwhile to start using Ltd company structures for property portfolios, there are several factors to consider. Often these are described as Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). Within this article, we have outlined the stage at which it might be beneficial, along with the tax advantages and disadvantages of transferring properties to…
David Gregory
August 21, 2023
Financial Fitness

Difference between Playing and Commercial Income in football

Understanding the Difference Between Playing and Commercial Income in Football. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the difference between playing and commercial income in UK football, with a focus on image rights. It explores the legal structures, tax considerations, and the potential benefits of setting up image rights companies (IRCs) for footballers. In the realm of professional…
David Gregory
June 19, 2023