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Venture capital trusts | Off Piste Wealth

Financial Fitness

Tax efficient investments for Athletes

Tax efficient investments for Athletes. As professional athletes in the UK enjoy success and significant earnings, they must also focus on securing their financial future beyond their sporting careers. One crucial aspect of achieving long-term financial stability is optimizing tax efficient investment strategies. Fortunately, UK athletes have access to various tax-efficient wrappers that can help them minimize tax liabilities and…
David Gregory
August 3, 2023
Financial Fitness

How Professional Athletes Can Utilise Venture Capital Trusts

Professional athletes face unique financial challenges not just to do with the sport they play. This may include managing significant income, planning for an early retirement and sustaining the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to. One effective strategy for these athletes to build a sustainable income stream, is to consider is utilising Venture Capital Trusts (VCT's). VCTs provide a tax-efficient investment…
David Gregory
June 13, 2023